20 research outputs found

    Taxa de regeneração natural na floresta tropical úmida.

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    This note presents a mathematical model using values far abundance to express the rate of natural regeneration in tropical forests. The proposed model is the following:tr = { (A1/A0) - 1 }. 100, where:tr = rate οf natural regeneration in percent;A = abundance, as definid by Jardim (1985);A1 = A0 + ne - ns = final abundance;A0 = initial abundance;ne = in put of new individuals during the study period, by germination or change in size class;ns = out put of individuals during the study period, by death or change in size class;1 = constant which indicates mortality.The results show that the forest is in a dynamic equilibrium, because the rate of natural regeneration was found to be + 0,10%. This rate can be used to describe the behavior of species, groups of species, or for the forest as a whole.Apresenta um modelo matemático para expressar a taxa de regeneração natural em florestas tropicais, através dos valores de abundância. 0 modelo proposto e. o seguinte-.tr = { (A1/A0)- 1 }. 100, onde:tr = taxa de regeneração natural em percentagem;A = abundância absoluta = número de indivíduos por unidade de área;A1 = A0 + ne - ns = abundância absoluta final;ne = número de indivíduos que ingressaram no estudo, por germinação ou mudança de categoria de tamanho (in-put)) ;ns = número de indivíduos que saíram do estudo, por morte ou mudança de categoria de tamanho (out-put).-1 = constante que indica a mortalidade.Os resultados demonstram que a floresta está em equilíbrio dinâmico, uma vez que, apresentou um valor de + 0,10% para a taxa de regeneração natural, a qual pode ser utilizada para espécies, grupos de espécies ou para o total da floresta

    Distribuição espacial das espécies arbóreas da floresta equatorial de terra-firme

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    An analysis of the spacial distribution of three species in an equatorial forest index ID = FrAB%, where ID is the dispersion index, Fr is frequency and AB% is the relative abundance, concluding that there are 39 species with aggregate distribution, 92 species with randon distribution and 108 species with uniform regular distribution opposyng to many researchers which have affirm that the last one seldon occur in nature.Analisa a distribuição espacial das espécies arbóreas com DAP maior ou igual a 20 cm em uma floresta equatorial de terra-firme, propondo um novo índice de dispersão ID = FrAB%, onde ID é o índice de dispersão, Fr é a frequência absoluta e AB% é a abundância relativa das espécies, concluindo que existem 39 espécies com distribuição aleatória e 108 espécies com distribuição regular, o que contraria alguns autores que afirmam ser muito rara a ocorrência desse último tipo de distribuição em florestas naturais

    O potencial madeireiro da terra firme em relação à demanda das serrarias do Amazonas

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    Data from five "terra.firme" (upland) forest inventories executed within a 200 km radius of Manaus were analyzed in order to evalvate wood potential in function of sawmill demand in the State of Amazonas. It was found that the 34 "terra-firme" species which are commercially sawn represent an average volume of 53,819 m3/ha, of which 30% occurs in diameter classes below 40 cm and 701 in classes above 40 cm. The volume of species with a guaranteed norket represents one half of the potential volume of all commercially sawn "terra-firme" species used in the State of Amazonas. Of these commercial species, twenty ocurred in all five inventory areas, and fifteen of these accounted for 83.19% of the total volume of commercial species.For these species in which 90% of the volume occurs in the upper diameter classes, it is suggested that seed trees be maintained to guarantee natural regeneration after timber harvesting.Analisa os resultados de cinco inventários florestais realizados num raio de 200 km em torno de Manaus, em florestas de terra firme, avaliando o potencial das mesmas em função da demanda das serrarias do Estado do Amazonas. Conclui que existem trinta e quatro espécies madeireiras de terra firme que já são industrializadas, as quais representam um volume potencial médio por hectare de 53,819 m3, repartido em 30% para a classe diamétrica abaixo de 40 cm e 70% para a classe acima de 40 cm. Afirma que o volume de espécies com mercado garantido representa menos da metade do potencial volumétrico das espécies de terra firme que já são demandadas, em pequena escala, pelas serrarias do Estado. Das espécies consideradas vinte são de ocorrência comum em todas as áreas e quinze destas representam 83,19% do volume total. Recomenda para o manejo das espécies, cujo volume esta concentrado nas classes diamétricas superiores, com mais de 90%, a manutenção de arvores portas ementes para garantir a regeneração natural das mesmas

    Tamanho de parcela amostral para inventários florestais .

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    This work is the result of an investigation concerning the best size for a Forest Inventory sample plot in the Manaus region. This plot was developed from 32 different size plots simulated one by one on an 80 hectare forest area, after complete enumeration of those trees with more than 25cm DBH. In this case the best plot was number 22 with dimensions at 37,5m by 150 metres.Resultado da investigação sobre o tamanho ideal de parcela amostral para Inventários Florestais, feita com base em 32 diferentes tamanhos, simulados, um a um, sobre o Inventário Florestal a 100% de uma área de 80 hectares de floresta tropical úmida de terra firme, com árvores de DAP maior ou igual a 25 cm. A parcela que apresentou os melhores resultados foi a de dimensões de 37,5 x 150 metros

    Tabelas De Volume Para A Floresta De Terra Firme Da Estação Experimental De Silvicultura Tropical

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    The authors present, based on data from 235 trees, volume tables (with and without bark) for some tree species of economic value that occur at the Tropical Silviculture Experiment Station (EEST - at INPA). Three volumetric equations were tested. Schumacher's equation (V = a Db Hc) was found to give best statistical fit and was utilized to generate the tables.", 'enSão apresentadas as tabelas de volume para algumas espécies madeireiras que ocorrem na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical, com base em dados coletados de 235 árvores. Foram testadas três equações volumétricas. A equação de Schumacher (V = a Db HC) foi a que apresentou os melhores resultados estatísticos, sendo portanto o modelo gerador das tabelas

    The market of cumaru nuts (Dipteryx odorata) in the State of Pará, Brazil

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    O presente artigo analisou o mercado de amêndoas de semente de cumaru (Dipteryx odorada (Aubl.) Willd.) no estado do Pará na safra de 2005. As informações secundárias foram obtidas através do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE e do sistema de informação Aliceweb, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior. As informações primárias da cadeia foram obtidas através de entrevistas com os agentes envolvidos na comercialização. Os resultados mostram que atualmente os principais países importadores são o Japão, França, Alemanha e China. Aproximadamente 2.700 famílias estão envolvidas no extrativismo de cumaru em todo os estado. As Margens Brutas foram, respectivamente, 20,0 e 15,0% (paras os dois grupos de atravessadores), 33,3 e 46,7%. Já a Markup foi de 75,0% para os atravessadores, 166,7% para as empresas exportadoras do interior e 233,3% para as empresas atacadistas em Belém. No total o Markup foi de 500,0%. O preço do quilo da amêndoa variou de R3,00paraosextrativistasateˊR 3,00 para os extrativistas até R 18,00 para as empresas atacadistas. Também foi possível averiguar que os responsáveis pelo maior acréscimo de preço no produto são as empresas exportadoras, o que gera ganhos desproporcionais ao longo da cadeia.Palavras-chave: Cadeia produtiva; cumaru; extrativismo. AbstractThe market of cumaru nuts (Dipteryx odorata) in the State of Pará, Brazil. The study aimed to present the results of a market study of cumaru nuts in the State of Pará, for the 2005 harvest. The data used in the research were obtained at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the exportation information system of the Ministry of Developing, Industry and Foreign Commerce (Aliceweb). The gross profit was R3.00,R 3.00, R 2.25, and R7.00/kg.Butthemarkupwas75.0 7.00/ kg. But the markup was 75.0% for the intermediary, 166.7% for the interior wholesale companies, and 233.3% for the wholesale companies from Belém, the State capital. The total markup from the beginning to the end of the market chain was approximately 500%. The price of the nut ranged from R 3.00 for the collectors to R18.00/kgforthewholesalecompanies.Itwasobservedthatthemajoradditionstotheproductpricewereimposedbytheexportingcompanies,whichgenerateunequalgainswithinthechain.Thereareapproximately2.700familiesinvolvedincumarunutscollectionthatareexportedmainlytoJapan,France,GermanyandChina.Keywords:Supllychain;cumaru;extractvism.Thestudyaimedtopresenttheresultsofamarketstudyof cumaru nutsintheStateofParaˊ,forthe2005harvest.ThedatausedintheresearchwereobtainedattheBrazilianInstituteofGeographyandStatistics(IBGE)andtheexportationinformationsystemoftheMinistryofDeveloping,IndustryandForeignCommerce(Aliceweb).ThegrossprofitwasR 18.00/kg for the wholesale companies. It was observed that the major additions to the product price were imposed by the exporting companies, which generate unequal gains within the chain. There are approximately 2.700 families involved in cumaru nuts collection that are exported mainly to Japan, France, Germany and China.Keywords: Suplly chain; cumaru; extractvism.The study aimed to present the results of a market study of cumaru nuts in the State of Pará, for the 2005 harvest. The data used in the research were obtained at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the exportation information system of the Ministry of Developing, Industry and Foreign Commerce (Aliceweb). The gross profit was R 3.00, R2.25,andR 2.25, and R 7.00/ kg. But the markup was 75.0% for the intermediary, 166.7% for the interior wholesale companies, and 233.3% for the wholesale companies from Belém, the State capital. The total markup from the beginning to the end of the market chain was approximately 500%. The price of the nut ranged from R3.00forthecollectorstoR 3.00 for the collectors to R 18.00/kg for the wholesale companies. It was observed that the major additions to the product price were imposed by the exporting companies, which generate unequal gains within the chain. There are approximately 2.700 families involved in cumaru nuts collection that are exported mainly to Japan, France, Germany and China

    Responses in growth and dynamics of the shade-tolerant species Theobroma subincanum to logging gaps in the Eastern Amazon

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    Aim of study: To assess responses of the shade-tolerant species Theobroma subincanum in relation to canopy gaps created by reduced impact logging (RIL).Materials and methods: A managed forest in themunicipality ofMoju, Pará state,Brazil, harvested in 1997 through RIL was monitored during 12 years (1998-2010). Nine logging gaps were selected and classified in small, medium, and large. Four 10 m x 50 m strips starting from the gap’s border towards the forest and following the directions of cardinal points were installed. Each strip was divided in five 10 m x 10 m plots. Density, diameter distribution (DBH ≥ 5 cm with intervals = 5 cm), and diameter growth were measured.Main results: No significant changes in seedling density of T. subincanum were found, and its diameter distribution followed the reverse “J” shape during all monitoring time. T. subincanum presented diameter growth of 0.15 cm year-1 with highest Periodic Annual Increment in diameter up to three years, and stabilization in nine years after RIL. The species responded to a growth gradient inversely proportional to the gap’s border distance (p = 0.001) but not to gap size and plots direction in cardinal points around the gap.Research highlights: Shade-tolerant species such as T. subincanum have sensible and positive growth responses to disturbances caused by RIL even when seedlings received low amounts of indirect sunlight. These positive responses should be considered in the management of production forests.Keywords: Ecological group; forest management; diameter distribution; reduced impact logging (RIL)

    Bacia 3- Inventário diagnóstico da regeneração natural (*)

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    Complement of comercial Forest Inventory, DST (s/d) - survey of trees 25 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) or more. In this case the mais purpose of inventory was the pre-existent natural refeneration of listed species, from recruit (below 50 cm height) to pole size (3 m height to 5 cm dbh) by linear sampling in quadrats of 2 x 2 meters.In quadrats of 10 x 10 meters, size classes 5 cm dbh or more were observed to evaluate the occupation level and development of listed species.Characteristics of place where the natural regeneration of listed species are developing were also observed during the data collection.However, the emphasis of this work concerns the stocking index of listed species, a parameter that will be used in the formulation of intervention levels in the natural forest as part of a comparison with a project entitled "Ecological Management and Exploitation of Tropical Rainforest" in the same watershed area.Complemento do Inventário Florestal Comercial, DST (s/d) - levantamento de árvores com DAP maior ou igual a 25 cm. Neste caso, o objetivo principal do inventário foi a regeneração natural pré-existente das espécies listadas (EL), desde as plântulas até as mudas estabelecidas, através da amostragem linear em quadrados de 2 x 2 metros. Num outro nível, quadrados de 10 x 10 metros, as classes superiores às mudas estabelecidas foram observadas para se ter uma idéia do grau de ocupação e desenvolvimento das EL e da floresta como um todo. Outras características foram observadas durante as coletas de dados. A ênfase maior, entretanto, é sobre o Índice de estocagem das EL, parâmetro que vai permitir a formulação dos níveis de intervenção na floresta natural de modo a encaixar nos objetivos do projeto de Manejo Ecológico e Exploração da Floresta Tropical Úmida, na Bacia 3

    Bacia 3 - Inventário Florestal Comercial

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    A forest inventory was carried out at Forest Management Basin (Bacia 3) for evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative wood potentials which exist in that area based on measurements and observations of trees which reach more than 25cm d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) in a forest population of, 96 hectares the area covered by the iventony is composed of) 4 experimental blocks with 24 hectares each where the research in management of natural regeneration, enrichment of the natural forest and artificial regeneration will be carried out. The area utilized is between km-24, left tide of secondary road ZF-2, in the Agricultural Area of the Manaus "Duty-free Administrative District.Inventário Florestal da Bacia 3 do projeto "Manejo Ecológico e Exploração da Floresta Tropical Úmida" para a avaliação dos potenciais quantitativo e qualitativo da cobertura florestal existente na área, com base em medições e observações em árvores com diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP) maior ou igual a 25 cm, de uma população florestal de 96 hectares. A área coberta pelo inventário é composta de 4 blocos de 24 hectares cada, os quais serão destinados às pesquisas de manejo da regeneração natural enriquecimento da floresta natural e regeneração artificial. Localiza-se entre o km 21 e o km 24 na margem esquerda da vicinal ZF-2, no Distrito Agropecuário da SUFRAMA (Superintendência da Zona Franca de Manaus)